Pricing and Ordering

How to Order

Select from JRE's broad selection of Pre-Configured RF test chambers (enclosures with a standard set of I/O connectors) or our In-Stock test chambers which use an easily designed custom I/O plate configured exactly for your needs. Our wide variety of connectors, Interface filters and other I/O will get you testing fast. Just give us a call or send an email to custom configure your RF Shielded Test Enclosure. Call (585) 298-9596.

Pre-Configured Test Enclosures (Stock Enclosures with I/O Installed)

JRE 0709-AJRE0709-A2 filtered DB9 (100, 1000pf) , 2 SMA, 1 four terminal strip$945.00
JRE 0709-BJRE0709-B3 filtered DB9 (two 100, 1000pf) , 4 SMA, 1 four terminal strip$1,275.00
JRE 0709-C1 filtered DB9 (1000pf), 2 SMA$745.00
JRE 0709-D2 filtered DB9 (100, 1000pf)$885.00
JRE 0709-EJRE0709-E2 filtered DB9 (100, 1000pf), 2 SMA, 1 four terminal strip$1,095.00
JRE 0709-UJRE Test JRE 0709-U RF Shielded test enclosure with USB 2.0 filtered interfaceUSB 2.0 Filtered interface, 2 SMA$1,075.00
JRE 0814-2R-AJRE0814-2R-ADual 2 filtered DB9 (100, 1000pf) , 2 SMA, 1 four terminal strip$3,315.00
JRE 0814-AJRE0814Anewfront2 filtered DB9 (100, 1000pf) , 2 SMA, 1 four terminal strip$1,595.00

In-Stock RF Shielded Test Enclosures (Add I/O Options from List Below)

JRE 07090709PgroupShielded test enclosure$595.00
JRE 0814JRE0814AnewfrontShielded test enclosure$1,195.00
JRE 0814-2RJRE0814-2RShielded test enclosure$2,515.00
JRE 0912JRE0912-openShielded test enclosure$925.00
JRE 1522Clamshell Style Shielded test enclosure$2,425.00
JRE 1618JRE Test JRE1618 rf test chamber openShielded test enclosure$1,450.00
JRE 1714JRE1714-frontShielded test enclosure$1,675.00
JRE 1720JRE1720 RF Test Chamber front viewShielded test enclosure$3,015.00
JRE 1724JRE1724Shielded test enclosure$1,895.00
JRE 1724AJRE Test rf test chamber JRE1724A front view openShielded test enclosure$1,895.00
JRE 1729AJRE Test JRE1729A RF test chamber front view openShielded test enclosure$1,895.00
JRE 1812JRE1812-RF-Shielded-test-enclosureShielded test enclosure$1,225.00
JRE 1812FJRE1812F Forensics faraday enclosureShielded test enclosure with window and hand entry$2,570.00
JRE 1812WSJRE1812WS-ViewingShielded test enclosure with window and hand entry$2,095.00
JRE 2214JRE Test JRE2214 rf test chamber front view closedShielded test enclosure$1,450.00
JRE 2218JRE Test chamber JRE2218 front viewShielded test enclosure$2,095.00
JRE 2220JRE Test JRE2220 Clamshell style RF test chamber open viewClamshell Style Shielded test enclosure$2,895.00
JRE 2233JRE Test JRE2233 RF test chamber front left viewShielded test enclosure$4,095.00
JRE 2525JRE2525 RF Shielded test enclosure front viewShielded test enclosure$3,015.00
JRE 2830JRE2830 RF shielded test enclosure front viewShielded test enclosure$3,795.00
JRE 3036JRE3036 RF test chamber enclosure front viewShielded test enclosure$4,595.00

Various connectors can be added to any RF enclosure at additional cost. Click here to learn more.

Window options are available for many JRE Shielded Test Enclosures.  Click here to learn more.

Setup & Machining of I/O plate

Add 'SETUP1' for connector plate/wall modification (per plate)
Add 'SETUP2' for custom machining of enclosure

SETUP1Cost of machining plate$150.00
SETUP2Cost of machining enclosure$200.00
WINDOWAdd an RF Shielded viewing window to any suitable sized enclosure$425.00

Test Equipment

JRE HPSS-1JRE Test HPSS-1 signal sourceHigh power signal source, charger, dipole and Yagi antenna$1,129.00
JRE STA-1STA1hand350Hand held spectrum analyzer, includes Yagi antenna and charger$549.00
JRE TVKJRE-TVK350RF Isolation test set: HPSS-1, STA-1, chargers and carry case$1,450.00

I/O Interfaces

JRE HDMI-1HDMI-1-frontHDMI Filtered Interface$480.00
JRE HDMI-2HDMI-2-frontDual HDMI Filtered Interface$950.00
JRE LAN-1LAN1RJ-45 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Filtered Interface$435.00
JRE LAN-10G-1JRE LAN-10G Filtered 10GBASE-T ethernet adapter handheld viewSingle Channel Ethernet 10GBASE-T Filtered Interface$545.00
JRE LAN-2LAN-2Dual RJ-45 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Filtered Interface$815.00
JRE LAN-USB 2JRE LAN-USB 2 dual filtered interface adapterDual RJ-45 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Filtered Interface$770.00
JRE LAN-USB 3JRE LAN-USB 3 Dual channel Filtered interfaceDual RJ-45 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Filtered Interface$880.00
JRE LAN10G-2JRE Test LAN10G-2 dual filtered 10GBASE-T Ethernet interface-front-viewDual RJ-45 10GBASE-T Ethernet Filtered Interface$1,060.00
JRE LAN10G-USB 2JRE Test Ethernet 10GBASE-t and USB 2 filtered interfaceDual RJ-45 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Filtered Interface$880.00
JRE LAN10G-USB 3-1JRE Test LAN10G USB3 filtered interfaceDual RJ-45 Ethernet 10/100/1000 Filtered Interface$995.00
JRE MS-1JRE Test Magnetic door switchJRE MS-1 Mag switch$90.00
JRE PEM-1JRE Test PEM-1 filtered power entry modulePEM-1 Filtered Power Entry Module$249.00
JRE UFI-1JRE Test UFI-1 universal filtered interface, for automotive ethernet, RS232/422/485Universal Filtered Interface$445.00
JRE USB2-1USB-2-1_350Single Channel USB 2.0 High Speed Filtered Interface$369.00
JRE USB2-2USB2-2_600Dual Channel USB 2.0 High Speed Filtered Interface$725.00
JRE USB3-1USB3Single Channel USB 3.0 'SuperSpeed' Filtered Interface$480.00
JRE USB3-2USB3-2Dual Channel USB 3.0 'SuperSpeed' Filtered Interface$950.00
JRE USB C-1JRE Test USB-C filtered interface front hand viewSingle Channel USB C type 'SuperSpeed' Filtered Interface$549.00

Populated I/O Plates

JRE A1-HDMI1JRE Test A1-HDMI1 populated I/O plateJRE A1-HDMI1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$575.00
JRE A1-USBCJRE Test A1-USB-C populated I/O plateJRE A1-USB-C Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$645.00
JRE A1-USB2JRE Test A1-USB2-1 populated I/O plateJRE A1-USB2-1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$465.00
JRE A1-USB3JRE Test A1-USB3-1 populated I/O plateJRE A1-USB3-1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$575.00
JRE A2-LAN1JRE Test A2-LAN1 populated I/O plateJRE A2-LAN1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$530.00
JRE A2-LAN10GJRE Test A2-LAN10G populated I/O plateJRE A2-LAN10G Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$645.00
JRE B1-4T-HDMI1JRE Test B1-4T-HDMI1 populated I/O plateJRE B1-4T-HDMI1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$665.00
JRE B1-4T-USB-CJRE B1-4T-USB-C Fast Track Populated I/O PlateJRE B1-4T-USB-C Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$735.00
B1-4T-USB2JRE Test B1-4T-USB2-1 populated I/O plateJRE B1-4T-USB2-1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$555.00
JRE B1-4T-USB3JRE Test B1-4T-USB3-1 populated I/O plateJRE B1-4T-USB3-1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$665.00
JRE B2-4T-LAN1JRE Test B2-4T-LAN1 populated I/O plateJRE B2-4T-LAN1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$620.00
JRE B2-4T-LAN10GJRE Test B2-4T-LAN10G populated I/O plateJRE B2-4T-LAN10G Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$730.00
B3-PEM-LAN-USB2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate B3-PEM-LAN-USB2JRE B3-PEM-LAN-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,115.00
B3-PEM-LAN-USB3JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate B3-PEM-LAN-USB3JRE B3-PEM-LAN-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,225.00
B3-PEM-LAN10G-USB2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate B3-PEM-LAN10G-USB2JRE B3-PEM-LAN10G-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,225.00
B3-AC-LAN10G-USB3JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate B3-PEM-LAN10G-USB3JRE B3-AC-LAN10G-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,320.00
C1-4T-LAN2-HDMI2JRE Test C1-4T-LAN2-HDMI2 populated I/O plateJRE C1-4T-LAN2-HDMI2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,985.00
C1-4T-LAN2-USB2-2JRE Test C1-4T-LAN2-USB2-2 populated I/O plateJRE C1-4T-LAN2-USB2-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,760.00
C1-4T-LAN2-USB3-2JRE Test C1-4T-LAN2-USB3-2 populated I/O plateJRE C1-4T-LAN2-USB3-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,985.00
C2-4T-LAN1-HDMI2JRE Test C2-4T-LAN1-HDMI2 Populated I/O plateJRE C2-4T-LAN1-HDMI2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,605.00
C2-4T-LAN1-USB2-2JRE Test C2-4T-LAN1-USB2-2 populated I/O plateJRE C2-4T-LAN1-USB2-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,385.00
C2-4T-LAN1-USB3-2JRE Test C2-4T-LAN1-USB3-2 Populated I/O plateJRE C2-4T-LAN1-USB3-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,605.00
C2-4T-LAN10G-HDMI2JRE Test C2-4T-LAN10G-HDMI2 Fast Track Populated I/O PlateJRE C2-4T-LAN10G-HDMI2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,720.00
C2-4T-LAN10G-USB2-2JRE Test C2-4T-LAN10G-USB2-2 Populated I/O plateJRE C2-4T-LAN10G-USB2-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,495.00
C2-4T-LAN10G-USB3-2JRE Test C2-4T-LAN10G-USB3-2 Fast Track Populated I/O PlateJRE C2-4T-LAN10G-USB3-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,720.00
C3-PEM-LAN2-HDMI2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate C3-PEM-LAN2-HDMI2JRE C3-PEM-LAN2-HDMI2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$2,145.00
C3-PEM-LAN2-USB2-2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate C3-PEM-LAN2-USB2-2JRE C3-PEM-LAN2-USB2-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,920.00
C3-PEM-LAN2-USB3-2JRE pre-populated I/O plate C3-PEM-LAN2-USB3-2JRE C3-PEM-LAN2-USB3-2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$2,145.00
C4-4T-LAN-USB2JRE Test C4-4 term-LAN-USB2-front view populated I/O plateJRE C4-4T-LAN-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$925.00
C4-4T-LAN-USB3JRE Test C4-4 term-LAN-USB3-front view populated I/O plateJRE C4-4T-LAN-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,040.00
C4-4T-LAN10G-USB2JRE Test C4-4 term-LAN10G-USB2-front view populated I/O plateJRE C4-AC-LAN10G-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,040.00
C4-4T-LAN10G-USB3JRE Test C4-4 term-LAN10G-USB3-front view populated I/O plateJRE C4-AC-LAN10G-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,150.00
C5-PEM-LAN-USB2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate C5-PEM-LAN-USB2JRE C5-PEM-LAN-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,080.00
C5-PEM-LAN-USB3JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate C5-PEM-LAN-USB3JRE C5-PEM-LAN-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,195.00
C5-PEM-LAN10G-USB2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate C5-PEM-LAN10G-USB2JRE C5-PEM-LAN10G-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,195.00
C5-PEM-LAN10G-USB3JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate C5-PEM-LAN10G-USB3JRE C5-PEM-LAN10G-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,305.00
D1-4T-HDMIJRE Test D1-4T-HDMI1 populated I/O plateJRE D1-4T-HDMI Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$660.00
D1-4T-USB2JRE Test D1-4T-USB2 populated I/O plateJRE D1-4T-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$550.00
D1-4T-USB3JRE Test D1-4T-USB3-1 populated I/O plateJRE D1-4T-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$660.00
D1-4T-USBCJRE Test D1-4T-USBC populated I/O plateJRE D1-4T-USBC Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$725.00
D2-4T-LAN1JRE Test D2-4T-LAN1 populated I/O plateJRE D2-4T-LAN1 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$615.00
D2-4T-LAN10GJRE Test D2-4T-LAN10G populated I/O plateJRE D2-4T-LAN10G Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$725.00
D3-PEM-LAN-USB2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate D3-PEM-LAN-USB2JRE D3-PEM-LAN-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,110.00
D3-PEM-LAN-USB3JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate D3-PEM-LAN-USB3JRE D3-PEM-LAN-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,220.00
D3-PEM-LAN10G-USB2JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate D3-PEM-LAN10G-USB2JRE D3-PEM-LAN10G-USB2 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,220.00
D3-PEM-LAN10G-USB3JRE Test pre-populated I/O plate D3-PEM-LAN10G-USB3JRE D3-PEM-LAN10G-USB3 Fast Track Populated I/O Plate$1,335.00


JRE ANT-211JRE Test ANT-211 broadband 2 to 11 GHz antennaBroadband 2-11 GHz Antenna$78.00
JRE ANT-2452.4 and 5-6 GHz WiFi Bluetooth dipole antenna2.4 and 5-6 GHz Dual band WiFi Antenna$23.00
JRE ANT-82JRE Test Multiband cellular PCS SMA antennaMultiband Cellular Antenna$44.00
JRE BBA-1AntennaStraightBroadband Antenna, Perpendicular SMA Connector$150.00
JRE BBA-1RHandAntennaBroadband Antenna, In-line SMA Connector$150.00

Data Connector Adapter Kits

PS/2 ADAPTERAdapter from PS/2 connector to DB-9 Male$30.00
RJ11 ADAPTERRJ11_250Adapter from RJ-11 Female connector to DB-9 Male$30.00
RJ45 ADAPTERAdapter from RJ-45 Female connector to DB-9 Male$40.00
USB ADAPTERUSB-adapter_250Adapter from USB Type A connector to DB-9 Male$50.00

RF Feedthru Connectors (Includes Dust Cap)

BNC BULKHEADFemale jack to female jack$14.00
F BULKHEADFemale jack to female jack$11.00
N BULKHEADFemale jack to female jack$19.00
SMA BULKHEADFemale jack to female jack$18.00
SMA TO N SMAFemale jack to N female jack$23.00
SMB BULKHEADMale jack to male jack$21.00
TNC BULKHEADFemale jack to female jack$13.00
UHF BULKHEADFemale jack to female jack$23.00

Fiber Feedthru Connectors (Female to Female)

FC SIMPLEXBulkhead FC to FC simplex, includes dust cap$16.50
WGF-6JRE Test Fiberplex fiber optic pass through connectorWGF-6 Fiber pass through connector$325.00
JRE FPTJRE Test FPT Fiber optic cable pass through front viewJRE FPT Fiber pass through connector$90.00
ST MULTIMODEBulkhead ST to ST multimode, includes dust cap$8.00

Fans, Banana Jacks, Terminal Strips, DB connectors

2 TERM FILT AC/DCJRE Test filtered feed through terminal strip2 Terminal filtered, 250VAC/20A max, 100VDC/20A max$88.00
4 TERM FILT AC/DCJRE Test filtered feed through terminal strip4 Terminal filtered, 250VAC/20A max, 100VDC/20A max$118.00
6 TERM FILT AC/DCJRE Test filtered feed through terminal strip6 Terminal filtered, 250VAC/20A max, 100VDC/20A max$138.00
60mm12VDC 23CFM fanJRE Test 80mm 12VDC fan option60mm12VDC 23CFM fan$95.00
80mm115VAC fanJRE Test 115VAC fan80mm115VAC fan$95.00
80mm12VDC 24CFM fanJRE Test 80mm 12VDC fan option80mm12VDC 24CFM fan$95.00
80mm12VDC 84CFM fanJRE Test 80mm 12VDC fan option80mm12VDC 84CFM fan$95.00
80mm230VAC fan-1JRE Test 230VAC fan option80mm230VAC fan$95.00
2 TERM BANANA JACKJRE Test banana jack option2 Terminal filtered banana jack$127.00
4 TERM BANANA JACKJRE Test banana jack option4 Terminal filtered banana jack$197.00
6 TERM BANANA JACK-1JRE Test banana jack option6 Terminal filtered banana jack$257.00
DB15-100 or 1000pfDB15 capacitance filtered connectorDB15 100 or 1000pf connector$139.00
DB25-100 or 1000pfDB25 capacitance filtered connectorDB25 100 or 1000pf connector$169.00
DB9-100 or 1000pfDB9 capacitance filtered connectorDB9 100 or 1000pf connector$105.00

Surge Suppressed Outlet Strips (Mounted Internally)

Universal 3 Outlet3 Outlet Power Strip Universal3 Outlet Universal Style AC Power Strip$78.00
Euro Schuko 4 OutletJRE Test 4outlet-European-Schuko4 Outlet European Schuko Style AC Power Strip$139.00
USA 4 OUTLET4 Outlet Power Strip USA4 Outlet USA Style AC Power Strip$98.00
Universal 5 Outlet5 Outlet Power Strip Universal3 Outlet Universal Style AC Power Strip$98.00
USA 5 OUTLET5 Outlet Power Strip USA5 Outlet USA Style AC Power Strip$95.00
Euro Schuko 6 OutletJRE Test 6outlet-European-Schuko power strip6 Outlet European Schuko Style AC Power Strip$159.00
Universal 6 Outlet6 Outlet Power String Universal6 Outlet Universal Style AC Power Strip$96.00
USA 6 OUTLETJRE Test 6 outlet USA power strip5 Outlet USA Style AC Power Strip$95.00
C14 CordJRE IEC C14 power cord adapterIEC C14 Power Adapter Cord$12.00

Ventilation Options

115AC FAN 80MM115 VAC Fan kit, includes power cord$95.00
220AC FAN 80MM220 VAC Fan kit, includes power cord$95.00
DC FAN 60MM12 VDC Fan kit, includes 120/240 VAC power supply$95.00
DC FAN 80MM12 VDC Fan kit, includes 120/240 VAC power supply$95.00
VENT 60MMDual 60mm vents with 12VDC fan, installed$475.00
VENT 80MMDual 80mm vents with 12VDC fan, installed$575.00